Can UFO's be two dimensional?

Can UFO's be two dimensional?
"Beam me up Scotty!"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

OPEN AIR Second Principle in the 8 Laws of Health

I think all people will agree this law of health is a no brainer. Open, clean, fresh air is vital to life. An obvious important part of our everyday health. Still not sure? An inexpensive self-test of holding your breath for 1-2 minutes will give you all the immediate confirmation you'll ever need on that point. Okay...that's an over simplification, isn't it? Well, it is and it isn't. Who do you know who would intentionally rob themselves of air? How about swimmers? They do that all the time, the key is learning how to challenge their bodies without actually drowning in the process. Living only 8 miles from the beach, (Atlantic Ocean) it is sad when visitors don't realize the ocean can be very dangerous. Even the experienced swimmer is not safe when the rip tides are stronger due to a tropical storm or a hurricane many miles away from the shoreline. At first they feel it's manageable and don't realize until they are dragged far from shore and then don't have the strength to fight their way back in. I know a little about that because at age 5 I almost drown. However it was at a public pool when I followed my older brother off the diving board. I wanted to feel as accomplished as he so I followed him into the swim lanes rather than swim toward the ladder. After swimming 1/4 way through the Olympic size pool, my 5 year old lungs were hyperventilating and I could not catch my breath; fatigue had quickly set in. I called out for help but no one could distinguish my cries in the crowded noisy pool. Even the life guard was talking! It was my first encounter with the reality of death. I remember thinking, "Today I am going to see God" Then the lifeguard pulled me out by the hand.

There is a great song by Mercy Me that became a favorite a year or so ago. The lyrics remind me of my near drowning and reminds me that I can be drown even on dry land if I take my eyes off Jesus.

I'm in way too deep
I've forgotten how to swim
I can't tell which way is up or down
Save me before I drown down here
I just need some air

I'm coming up to breathe
Oh, I'm coming up to breathe
I've held my breath for all my life
But I am breaking free tonight
And I'm coming up to breathe

I just need to break these chains
I just need to leave this place
Before now this was all I knew
But with just one glimpse of You I see
You're the air I need

I've done everything I can
To get myself up on dry land
Lord, here I am again
Reaching for Your hand

So as the song eludes, air and breathing are more than just the physical act of moving the diaphragm up and down. It often is connected to our mental, relational, physical, vocational and spiritual health. We can feel choked, smothered, elated, lightheaded and/or invigorated in any or all of these areas. Wow, I feel the need to take some slow intentional deep breaths after that last concept. Oh yeah..laughter (I hope at least your smiling) is a great form of exercise for the heart and lungs. Take time everyday to focus on some activity that helps you take in more open fresh air. One way is to get out and walk for 20 min every day. If you live in a place with a lot of air pollution, chose your time wisely. Early in the morning within the hour of sunrise, may provide the best air of the day rather than at the height of rush hour. If you can walk briskly at a well ventilated gym or mall, that may be your next best option. Healthy heart and lungs go hand in hand and the more we are aerobically fit the greater our lung capacity will be. The greater our lung capacity the deeper we breathe and the more air we can exchange. May you never take the ability to breathe easily for granted. Try breathing in till the count of eight seconds and then try slowly releasing the breath over another 8 seconds. Do that for 7-8times at least once per day. It is the fasted way to refreshing your mind and
often relaxes the muscles in your head and neck that can create tension headaches if they are not well oxygenated. Check out the link and share it with someone you know who is feeling down.

Let's also help others breath deeply by regularly sharing inspiration. (Inspiration comes from a word that means "to breathe")

What is success?
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson